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In what city did you meet your spouse/significant other?
In what city does your nearest sibling live?
In what city or town did your mother and father meet?
In what city or town was your first job?
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What is the middle name of your oldest child
What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?
What is the name of your favorite childhood friend
What is your favorite color
What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name
What is your oldest cousin's first and last name
What is your oldest sibling's middle name
What is your oldest sibling’s birthday month and year? (e.g., January 1900)
What school did you attend for sixth grade?
What street did you live on in third grade?
What was the last name of your third grade teacher
What was the name of your first stuffed animal
What was your childhood nickname
What was your favorite sport in high school
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